The Days Behind Us

Friday, January 2, 2009

I haven't been to my keyboard in a few days and I'm long overdue. Josh has been off work since Wednesday and so he's thoroughly enjoying his 5 day vacation! I had to work on New Year's Eve, come home in time to get us some dinner, and then go to church-where we did not return until 6am Thursday morning. They had a youth lock-in after service. It was supposed to last until 7am, but we didn't quite make it. I know an hour wouldn't have made that big of a difference, but we were at that part of the morning where we had to ask ourselves, "why are we staying until 7?"
But let me tell you...We had CHURCH Wed. night. It was awesome. We got to the fellowship hall for the lock-in around 9:30. Then after a fashion show, junk food, a surprise foosball table for the youth, and lots of hanging out, we had a second church service with the youth at 11:50pm
What a way to bring in the new year! In the prescense of Almighty God. He has confirmed over and over again that we are in the right place at this point in our lives. His timing is always right, so I won't question why we are just now at Soul's Harbor UPC. But thanks be to God that we are here now! I can't express how warm and welcoming the church has been and how it just feels like "home". I love all my fellow saints and we had such a great time Wed. night. Here are just a few photos to recap:

So my New Year's Day was spent in bed until 10am. I really wanted to sleep longer, but Josh wouldn't let me. He said that I wasn't going to keep him up all last night because I wasn't sleepy at bedtime. Well how do you like them apples? Now I'm here on Friday morning typing away with a major cold going on. I think my immune system just couldn't hack it anymore. My body is mad at me. So I had to call in to work today sick. Oh well, I'm sure a little Vitamin C, a leftover candy cane, and my soft pillow will go a long way to regrouping.
I have a few interesting topics I'd like to post about, but it can wait until next time. I know you can't wait to read about something other than myself.