Things You'll Never Find Me Without

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

In an unusual twist to my blogging habits, I'm not going to tell you what I ate for breakfast and what I did the last few days. I'm sure that gets old. In listening to a Jack Reacher audio book this morning, I found it intriguing that he carries so little with him. He's a professional vagrant who just happens to be in the right/wrong place just in time to solve a crime or situation. Oh, if we all lived storybook lives. But wait.. we do, don't we? God is the "author and finisher" and he "determines the bounds of our habitation" Why? So that we might find Him "though he be not far from any one of us" Now that's a plot line. Just look at your own life and see what things He has wrought. Amazing.
So anyhoo... I noticed that you can tell a lot about a person by the things they carry with them. Kind of like the CSI procedure of figuring out a person's identity during investigation. Or a Sherlock Holmes way of knowing seemingly unrelated trivia about a person through careful observation of their person.
The Things I Carry:
My Bright Orange Flat Wallet -a $10 investment that I can't live without. It typifies me though-like a black and white photo with spots of color left.

An Audio Book in the CD Player - my addiction. I'm either listening to an audio story or drama or talk radio. Music is an optional distraction.

My Fitness Plus membership card - a necessity in my quest to remain healthy.

A Notepad - because I take notes going down the road, in a waiting room, at church, absolutely anywhere. To-do lists, random thoughts, sketches, plans, grocery lists, quotes, a list of what I want to remember to google.

My Camera - now that I have my new one and enough space on my SDHC card to fit any amount of random pictures that I want. You never know when you need to snap something.

Hand Sanitizer Spray - no explanation needed. Some things in this world are just icky.

A Pair of Googly Eyes - they fit over your finger like half a ring. For spontaneous moments where you need a hand puppet.

Sugar Free On-the-Go Drink Mixes - because no bottle of water is complete without one.

Things that I could care less if I carried:

My cell phone, my stack of bills to be paid, pennies, chapstick, hair brush.