Hatin' on FB

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ok, so this doesn't speak well of me since I am on FB and I plan on staying there just for the simple fact that I don't have time for tweets and such. But, I do agree with 99.9% of his reasons.

DIY Furniture

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I want a coffee-shop feel to my living room. Even though most of the visitors we have at our house either frequent the dining table or plop themselves on a loveseat in front of an x-box in the music room, its nice to know that I can feel Starbuckian without having to leave the house. Our solution was to get big comfy furniture, ottomans, great lighting, and art on the walls. While we are not yet completed with the project, we are well on the way. Today we spent several hours putting together ready-to-assemble furniture from Home Reserve. Its great furniture at a great price. They have sofas, loveseats, chairs, ottomans, sectionals....It comes via UPS in boxes delivered to your door. You get the pleasure of putting it together yourself. (: The cool thing about it is that every piece has built-in storage under the seat. Bye-Bye magazines that I just can't seem to throw away. And each part of the upholstery is removable and replaceable. No need to junk a perfectly good chair if you get a tear or something. Just order the specific part you need and fix it! Tired of the color you picked? Just replace the fabric. Really really cool. So if you need me this rainy evening, you'll fine me curled up with John Grisham's latest in my Chair and a Half. Check out the process under my photos on facebook.

Alarm Clocks and Time Change

Sunday, March 8, 2009

So last night, Josh and I are lying in bed around 11pm (of course it was 10pm yesterday, I wouldn't be up that late!)  We were all comfortable and cozy and I in my nightgown and Sam in his bed when what to my startled ears did appear, but a loud "chirping" noise coming from our bedroom.  Wait, I don't think I explained that very well.  A LOUD chirping noise.   Josh flipped on the light and found this big bug happily existing on our wall.  I think it was a cicada or something like that.  It looked like a grasshopper, but made this horrible racket.  I should back up and explain that I had drawn Josh's attention to the fact that a bug had gotten into the house earlier.  It was then resting on the living room wall minding its own business.  I actually thought it was a brown grasshopper.  So I casually mentioned it thinking that Josh might find the initiative to take a paper towel and release the creature back into the wild.  I guess he didn't.   While I am still recovering from a heart attack and the thing still won't shut-up, Josh grabs a shoe and proceeds to amputate the things' leg.  He was trying to kill it, but missed and ended up chopping off the leg it was using to play its "instrument"  So needless to say, we will not be using an alarm clock that sounds anything like a bug in the near future.   It was broken anyway, it chirped at the wrong time and the only thing working on it was the snooze button. (:
Then I was awakened again and again last night because Sam was a sick little puppy.   He evidently found a pork chop bone somewhere outside and ate it.   And he knows that bones make him sick.   The last three times he has had a stint in the animal hospital on an IV because of it.  ~The following is a little graphic, please protect young children~  He has some sort of issue where he gets sick and dehydrated and his blood gets so thick that it seeps into his intestines and stomach.  (I warned you didn't I?!)  The resulting catastrophe is a sleepy Sabrina up at all hours of the night switching out dog blankets and rinsing puke.  I put him outside for about an hour, but his barking was incessant, so that was not a solution.   He spent 30 minutes standing by my bed staring at me and begging for a clean blanket or to get in our bed.  No way Jose!  And so sorry Charlie, you've puked on all the blankets I have, so you just have to stay awake or sleep in it.   Ummm.. side note- I would never day this to my children, just the dog!  Now the washer is going, the rug is drying outside and he is bathed and sleeping on the couch.
So now I am blogging this morning and I was thinking how wonderful that I feel so refreshed and have so much time on my hands today and then I looked down and saw that the computer showed an hour later!  I totally forgot about the time-change.  Who invented this anyway??  Thanks a lot Ben Franklin!  To me its backward anyway.  It seems like we should just deal with shorter daylight hours in the winter and not change the clocks back to make the days seem even shorter.  We don't have church this morning because there is a funeral of one of the saints at 2pm.  My plans are to put a pork roast in the oven and finish my sewing project.   Get this:  I am making a beanbag loveseat.
We need one in the music/computer room and the extra large beanbags online are too expensive.   Enter my crazy idea of the hour:  I think I will create a pattern and order shredded foam to stuff one of my own!  All the ones I find online are just giant ovals or spheres, ours will actually be shaped like a sofa.  I'm almost done cutting my pieces and will start putting them together today.  I can't update you on the progress for a while since I am bidding on the foam on ebay and it doesn't end for a coulple more days.  But, as soon as I get it shipped here and stuff this baby, I'll post a picture.   Or not, if it doesn't work out.

When the Mundane Leaves You Mystified.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Though I'm a little out of touch with what's going on in regards to Everyone's Connected/Ubuti-transitioned to-Everyone's Apostolic, evidently there was some sort of catastrophic event that I slept through. There seems to be a mass exodus toward Facebook in light of "The Happening". This is just an educated guess as I haven't really updated my page in so long (save for the occasional response to a note on my page or to delete a broadcast email that I had no interest in to begin with) my profile pic is probably growing cobwebs. I created this blog as a way to get my foot in the door and then resigned myself to the fact that no one reads my blog anyway so I might as well just use it like one of those faux spa foot soakers.... You hardly ever go to the trouble it takes to prep and dust it off, but its there when you have some extra time and need to relax.
So... wrap up everything I just said and Hence, I am committing myself to Facebook and my Blogger page ONLY. No more social networking sites. No time for Twitter. And all the important people I care to keep up with are on Facebook anyway.
And on we go to the subject of this post...
Yesterday into our office walked a beautiful little family. They were here to sign adoption related paperwork and they brought three of their children (only one of which is biological) The smallest child, around 1 1/2 looked as happy as could be as they found our toy "corner" in the waiting room. His silent enjoyment was only broken by the occasional "Mommy look!"
So what's the big deal you say?! Oh nothing except that this mundane ordinary looking interaction was taking place after they've had custody of the little one through foster care for only a short time. And coupled with the fact that this beautiful little boy is HIV + and has since birth developed AIDS. I'm in awe of people who actually do what I tell myself I would love to do- Open up a heart and home to give love unconditionally. Not through pity, self-promotion, or even a sense of obligation, but to look at a situation like a handicap and love another like it was nothing more than learning they have freckles.
I cherish these small moments in life. Because I feel like we are swiftly approaching a day when those who love "undesirables" (including the not-yet-born) will be a suppressed group. Where the challenges are compounded with illegality and societal stigma. God help us all. But more importantly, God help the Church to pass on a heritage despite the coming adversity.