A Whirlwind of Musings

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I know most people have contemplative days where a thought just dramatically appears and puts your mind under siege for hours. Whether interesting, brooding, nagging, or introspective... the wayward thought just won't leave you. My problem today is that yesterday was one of those days. And now I'm suffering the spillover from too many combative thoughts and too little time to mull over them. For instance-
I found a website yesterday that is called "all in the mind". Its a broadcast website from an ABC company in Austrailia I think. Anyway, the basic premise is that psychologists, counselors, and other mind "experts" come on the air like an interview or open forum and discuss topics relating to the way the human mind works. The one I listened to was by an author (he wrote a book called Predictably Irrational) who explored the patterns of human behavior as it relates to irrational decisions. An summary excerpt: Sex, freebies, expectations, placebos, price -- they all cloud our better judgment in rather sobering ways. It was really thought-provoking. Which led to my current situation.
Last night at church I heard two great quotes/concepts that just captured my imagination.
1. Don't make current decisions based on historical hurts. (I've always heard it something like: don't make permanent decisions in temporary circumstances, so this is a new twist) Our visiting minister was referring to bitterness and attitudes that rise up in retaliation over issues that we haven't allowed God to heal in our lives. Like the example of Samson destroying the Phillistines. The right thing to do but with the wrong attitude. So does that make it still God's will? Hmm...I could really cover this one.
But, alas, no sooner did I get the idea than my pastor comes to the pulpit and says this in concluding the messaged called "One heart, one vision" Which, following the previous narrative, was a look at Samson's journey from one vision, to di-vision, to no vision.
2. You are where you are today because of what motivated you to get here. Ok, so this one may take a moment to sink in. It did for me. But just think... (a crude example) I am 35-40 lbs overweight right now. Why am I in this position right now? Because I was motivated by my love of foods that I know my body can't tolerate. On a lighter note, I am at Soul's Harbor now because I was motivated to do something for God and I was motivated to seek an opportunity for my family to grow. (um...spiritually speaking. let's nip that one in the bud!) So that begs the question: Where are you at right now? How did you get here? What motivates you today?

Gawrsh. That's a lot of brain candy. But wait, there's more from last night...

I was sitting in my comfy pjs in my comfy bed reading Discover magazine. I happened upon an article highlighting a professor of history or something. This is said about him: "Proctor is living what he calls “the ultimate dabbler’s fantasy,” taking on subjects that appeal to his questioning spirit." Anyway LSS... he was asked why he never specialized in a scientific/intellectual field. And this is what he says about himself: "Something is lost when people specialize. I like to see things like an amateur. The word amateur is literally “lover,” it’s from amore. Professionalism is often the death of intellectual inquiry. So I think there’s a kind of virtue of systematic amateurism that really needs to be rekindled. If you don’t love and hate and play and joke with your objects of study, then you’re really not treating them properly. I tell my students if you’re not angry and excited and enthralled by your topic, you should choose a different one."

I just love that idea. It makes me feel a little closer to having a name for my main interest "the study of everything" Since we all have to be categorized, right?

So go ahead and take this post as a dendrite toothpick. No pain no gain.