A Diet That Isn't a New Year's Resolution

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hurray for Thursday! Its almost Friday. Although I don't know what that will mean for me any different than today.
Since I haven't caught you up yet...My grandmother had a "spell" and was in the hospital for a few days. She's home now and I'm pretty sure it was a delayed reaction to stress in the passing of my cousin, Brittney in Oct. and a combination of oxygen deprivation from COPD and a mis-behaving heart valve. She's almost back to normal. She's quit smoking as well (Thank the Lord) at least for a week or so. She told me she's taking it one day at a time. I pray God will give her strength and determination.
My aunt (mom's sis) was in the hospital for a rush surgery job. She is now minus an ovary and what she is calling her "baby Grapefruit" (a cyst the size of this particular fruit derived from an incision remarkably similar to cesarean section) Anyway, she's home now too and learning to live with staples for a while.
Now for the confession...
I hesitate to publish this in the blogosphere, but only slightly. I realize that it can be an encouragement to others in a way only some can understand.
I am calling today to make an appt for laser hair removal on my upper lip. It should take 6-8 sessions spaced apart by a month. The actual procedure takes only five minutes. Don't take this move as a sign of vanity. I am only vain when it comes to intelligence and abilities, not appearance. Which has been a source of struggle for me to keep under subjection. The Holy Ghost works wonders! Anyway, the reason is simple. I find it very hard to look people in the eye, to have any semblance of confidence, or to feel normal when I look like a he-woman with a mustache. Anyone who knows me in person either knows this about me and never said anything out of courtesy or they are legally blind in all 50 states. I've strugged with this since childhood. And I don't mean a few little blond hairs or a few brown hairs on the sides of the lip. I have a full-blown mustache that I have to pluck, tweeze, or wax usually once a week. I can handle waxing even at $15 a pop, but it depresses me to no end when it grows back in a few days. Not to mention Josh hates to kiss me, and most of the time doesn't when I'm prickly.
Ok, so this is highly embrassing for me to admit to you and the whole world, but I'm praying my struggle will soon be lessened.
I now know that the hair is caused by my PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which is getting worse as I get older. For those who don't know, this is a hormonal imbalance that cannot be cured, only controlled. I have too many male hormones in my body which causes me to have no cycle and be insulin resistant as well. I have to go into the procedure knowing it won't cure the source, so I have to take pro-active measures in this regard also.
I have started back the South Beach Diet or SBD for short. This is the simplest low glycemic index diet I have found and one that if I stick to it can become a lifestyle of eating habits. Well, it will have to if I am going to get my money's worth from the hair removal. If I eat right and don't spike my blood sugar, I lose the extra poundage and I lose the male-hormone symptoms. If I binge like I did over the holidays I carry 30-45 extra pounds and I feel really bad. So, long story short... with the help of my new friend Kalyn at Kalyn's Kitchen I will be eating the SBD way for the forseeable future. It sounds morbid and restrictive, but actually you never go hungry and there are tons of great recipes that are "legal" I make Josh eat this way while I am with only slight modifications. Like, I may give him a roll or mashed potatoes while I eat cauliflower "potatoes" and an extra veggie. It really isn't that hard. No, the hard part is when we are visiting someone for a meal or trying to grab a quick bite to eat on the road. Chicken strips and potatoes are my weakness!!
I have to get to work on my real job (not blogging!) so go grab a healthly snack.