When the Mundane Leaves You Mystified.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Though I'm a little out of touch with what's going on in regards to Everyone's Connected/Ubuti-transitioned to-Everyone's Apostolic, evidently there was some sort of catastrophic event that I slept through. There seems to be a mass exodus toward Facebook in light of "The Happening". This is just an educated guess as I haven't really updated my page in so long (save for the occasional response to a note on my page or to delete a broadcast email that I had no interest in to begin with) my profile pic is probably growing cobwebs. I created this blog as a way to get my foot in the door and then resigned myself to the fact that no one reads my blog anyway so I might as well just use it like one of those faux spa foot soakers.... You hardly ever go to the trouble it takes to prep and dust it off, but its there when you have some extra time and need to relax.
So... wrap up everything I just said and Hence, I am committing myself to Facebook and my Blogger page ONLY. No more social networking sites. No time for Twitter. And all the important people I care to keep up with are on Facebook anyway.
And on we go to the subject of this post...
Yesterday into our office walked a beautiful little family. They were here to sign adoption related paperwork and they brought three of their children (only one of which is biological) The smallest child, around 1 1/2 looked as happy as could be as they found our toy "corner" in the waiting room. His silent enjoyment was only broken by the occasional "Mommy look!"
So what's the big deal you say?! Oh nothing except that this mundane ordinary looking interaction was taking place after they've had custody of the little one through foster care for only a short time. And coupled with the fact that this beautiful little boy is HIV + and has since birth developed AIDS. I'm in awe of people who actually do what I tell myself I would love to do- Open up a heart and home to give love unconditionally. Not through pity, self-promotion, or even a sense of obligation, but to look at a situation like a handicap and love another like it was nothing more than learning they have freckles.
I cherish these small moments in life. Because I feel like we are swiftly approaching a day when those who love "undesirables" (including the not-yet-born) will be a suppressed group. Where the challenges are compounded with illegality and societal stigma. God help us all. But more importantly, God help the Church to pass on a heritage despite the coming adversity.


Anonymous said...

i suppose i am one of those people you think is so important on facebook. Love you too!