What are we going to do today, Brain?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The same thing we try to do every day, Pinky...Try to take over the world. Muahahaha.
Ok. enough of that.
I've spent the last hour updating my blog appearance and functionality, creating a new site to give my family a presence online, and getting picasa set up so I can share photos.
I'm really getting into this. I've tried blogging before, but I wasn't faithful. And my camera was stolen (no need for that redux) so I have no recent photos to share. But I make a new year's resolution on December 20th that I will strive to try to attempt to do better in the coming year to keep these efforts alive and kicking. Even if no one ever uses these outlets (except my mama), I think its going to be good therapy for me. Besides, I don't want to be a crazy blogger stalker who religiously reads 18-19 blogs a day with her morning cup of coffee (did I just confess that?) and never contributes to the congestion of the blogosphere. That would be creepy, right?

Anyway, as for yesterday afternoon...
The birth mother changed her mind. Again. Through the prompting of the 'boyfriend', she has decided that even though the adoptive couple has spent untold thousands throughout her pregnancy to support her, and spent another thousand to fly the mother here last night, she [the bio mom] doesn't feel comfortable giving the baby to anyone until she has money in hand. Ummm.. Selling your baby is illegal in LA. Ahhh!!
So she agreed to her first counseling session yesterday at 3:15. She did not show up in the cab with her 'boyfriend', baby, and two-year old in tow until after 5:00. It was a roller coaster after that until I left work at 7pm. I did get to hold and feed and burp the baby though. Her name is Hannah Grace and she's absolutely beautiful. The dr's thought she had Down's when she was first born, but they've ruled that out now. I held that sweet bundle of pink innocence in my arms and prayed fervently over her. I laid hands on her and I prayed that the bio mom would understand that she could not take care of this little one. I don't care who thinks I stupid, I looked into those baby eyes and I told her repeatedly out loud that "Jesus loves you"
I get teary eyed just typing it now. You just had to have been there. She was dirty, no filthy. Her fingernails were long claws, her umbilical cord 'stub thing' had not fallen off yet and was crusted with dried blood, her lips were extremely chapped, her blankets/clothes were dirty, and she had a wheeze from the smoking she is exposed to in a cramped motel room where she is living right now. She is only 10 days old. So, call me crazy, but this was the first time in her life when she would have heard "Jesus loves you" Help me pray that she will go through with the adoption and this couple can get this child soon.

Whew!! I think I'll lighten the mood. Christmas is just around the corner and I have only gotten Josh one gift so far. A new large print NLT Bible. Well, two if you count the family camcorder we just purchased. I need to do some shopping. And I need to clean my house. So what am I doing on blogger for 90 minutes?